Falcon HiTek polymer coated bullets are cast from a foundry certified 92% lead, 6% antimony and 2% tin alloy with a Brinell hardness of 16-17.
Falcon Bullet’s HiTek polymer coating acts as a lubricant which results in less barrel wear and actually increases muzzle velocity with less felt recoil vs jacketed bullets.
Less Powder is required to achieve the same FPS vs. jacketed bullets.
Falcon Bullets have less weight deviation producing tighter shot groups. We strive to keep our deviation less than 1 Grain.
Falcon Bullets HiTek polymer coating virtually eliminates the smoke associated with traditional cast bullets.
Falcon HiTek polymer coated bullets do not produce any toxin or particles when fired.
Falcon’s HiTek polymer coating resists heat and can be fired up to +P velocities. Our protective coating will not foul your barrel and actually extends barrel life.
Falcon HiTek polymer coated bullets are completely safe to use in any barrel including Glock polygonal rifled barrels.